In the hands of experts.
Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) with Devire

Companies are looking to minimise outlays at all costs and at the same time attract the best specialists. Finding the right candidates within a strict time frame, however, is proving to be a real challenge.

Is your company struggling with a lack of resources when it comes to hiring the best employees? Or maybe there is no HR team within your company structure that would be able to oversee this process?

The solution is RPO, which stands for Recruitment Process Outsourcing.

RPO has been shown to significantly optimise and improve the recruitment process.

The Benefits of Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

Recruitment Process Outsourcing visibly reduces capital expenditures, while accelerating the acquisition of key specialists: 

  • Reduces recruitment costs by up to 70%, 
  • Shortens recruitment times 30%, 
  • Increases recruitment flexibility and leads to improved forecasting; and a dynamic response to changing employment needs, 
  • Increases the quality and efficiency of the recruitment processes, which enables the acquisition of the most qualified  candidates,
  • Translates into long-term employment and reduced turnover. 

What is Recruitment Process Outsourcing?

Recruitment Process Outsourcing involves a recruitment company absorbing a part or all of the Client’s recruitment processes. The recruitment company implements the RPO project under the Client’s brand, drawing on the expertise of an exclusive team, and providing the necessary tools that are based on predetermined KPI & SLA indicators. 

This solution is ideal for any industry struggling with increased or sudden recruitment needs. RPO services are often used by companies looking to expand their operations, or to enlarge or transfer existing processes.  RPO is also an optimal option for companies endeavouring to enter a new market and build their structures from scratch. 

Recruitment Process Outsourcing at Devire - what do we offer?

At Devire, we implement Recruitment Process Outsourcing solutions in a flexible manner, taking into account the dynamic business environment of our Clients. Devire’s RPO solutions are tailor-made for each Client. In this regard, we at Devire are always ready to adapt to changing needs; and to remain in line with the established assumptions of our cooperation. What’s more, we provide our Partners with access to industry knowledge and all necessary tools. 

We provide RPO services in three basic models:

Full RPO

A comprehensive solution for new players on the market: building strategies, processes and recruitment. This offer also incorporates Employer Branding activities. 

Peak RPO

This solution responds to periodic increased recruitment demands. Here Devire fully or partially takes over the responsibility for all recruitment processes. We also undertake responsibility for risk management, introducing changes and project implementation within a set timeframe, based on the assumed KPI & SLA. 

RPO Recruiter on Demand

This is where Devire delegates on a temporary basis a recruiter to the Client’s internal HR structures in order to carry out recruitment projects or other tasks in the area of HR. 

The process of cooperation with Devire on RPO projects

At Devire, each Recruitment Process Outsourcing project is carried out by a dedicated Project Manager, who is responsible not only for its implementation, but above all for the effective cooperation of both parties.

Devire’s implementation of an RPO project incorporates the following stages: 

  1. Identification of Client needs, followed by an analysis of the existing recruitment model in the organisation.
  2. Preparation of the project plan and its division into key stages.
  3. Forming a dedicated Devire team.
  4. Implementation of the project in accordance with the assumed schedule and regular monitoring (weekly, monthly and quarterly).

*The valuation of each RPO project is individually prepared and discussed with our clients. This allows for a mutual understanding of both needs and challenges.

Why choose Devire?

At Devire, our experienced team of experts provides customised outsourcing solutions. Devire RPO solutions are distinguished by the following deliveries:

  • Flexibility: We are able to adapt to changing circumstances, and create new solutions.
  • Specialisation: Qualified Devire experts, possessed of all required knowledge and competences.
  • Scalability: We adapt services to specific Client needs, which allows us to increase ROI by up to 40%.
  • Speed: Thanks to our experienced team and cooperation with the Centre of Excellence, we are able implement an RPO project within a demanding time frame.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing in Devire in practice

Check what RPO projects we have implemented for our clients:

ProjeCt Full RPO

Client: an international company opening a new skills-set hub centre in Warsaw

Goal: Recruit 250 full-time people for Finance, Logistics, Purchasing, IT, Audit and Tax departments

Challenges: an unknown employer brand in Poland and other European markets, with a lack of customer knowledge about the local specifics of the market; high technical requirements for the candidates; a shortened project implementation time by 6 months

Estimated completion time: 18 months

Devire team: 6 specialists led by an experienced Project Manager

Result: recruitment of 100% of employees within 12 months (with 0% rotation), implementation of the internal ATS recruitment system and implementation of Employer Branding activities

ProjeCt Peak RPO

Client: e-commerce company 

Objective: expanding the structures and strengthening the internal IT department by recruiting 24 full-time people (IT, Digital and Marketing) 

Challenges: shortening of the implementation time by the Client due to the economic situation; a wide range of ongoing projects; the Client’s use of niche technological tools, which significantly limited the pool of available candidates 

Estimated completion time: 6 months 

Devire team: 2 recruiters, supported by an experienced Project Manager 

Result: 125% employment within 3 months

ProjeCt RPO Recruiter on Demand

Client: an international corporation based in the USA, specialised in software solutions for the Audio and Video industry

Goal: stabilisation of the position of this international Talent Acquisition organisation on the local market within existing Client structures and building a new structure within the company (in the areas of: IT, sales, purchasing, finance, administration, HR)

Challenges: unknown employer brand in Poland and on other European markets, lack of customer knowledge about the local specifics of the market, high technical requirements for the employed candidates, the need for full integration with the customer’s processes and existing systems for handling recruitment and HR processes

Implementation time: 8 months

Devire team: a 3-5-person team of recruitment specialists (its size changed during the project), which handled recruitment in the end-2-end model in several European and North American markets

Result: building an internal recruitment team, creating a knowledge base about candidates, new markets and salaries, building departments: IT, finance, Administration

FAQ - Frequently asked questions about the RPO:

RP means representing the client under their brand. During the project, Devire uses e-mail addresses registered in the Client’s domain and the Client’s branding on social media platforms. In exceptional situations, some recruitment activities may be supported by Devire branding.

Yes, the Devire team works in the Client’s ATS system and manages the commissioned recruitment from there.

The administrator of candidates’ personal data is the Client, who retains the full right to process personal data and contact selected candidates during future recruitment processes; even after the end of cooperation with Devire.

The flexible management of RPO projects represents the essence of our way of working. We are able to adjust the size of our team to the growing number of vacancies in a given period. In a situation of high demand for acquiring candidates, or recruitment for niche roles, it is also possible to support our activities by making recourse to consultants from the Centre of Excellence, which operates within Devire’s structure.

According to data from reports prepared after the completion of each ROP project, the two main sources of acquiring candidates have been:

  • the Devire candidate database,
  • by way of direct search using social media.

We also use industry portals, advertisements, forums, career fairs and many other solutions, closely matched to a specific project.

The duration of an RPO project is at least 3 months.

As the RPO team, we are working on acquiring qualified candidates (so-called white-collar) from almost all industries. Leading sectors include: IT, SSC/BPO/GBS, Finance, Banking, Retail & E-commerce, FMCG, Pharma, Automotive.

The size of the team ranges from one to several dozen people, depending on the cooperation model and the required volume of recruitment. The number of specialists involved may increase or decrease during the project, depending on current needs.

Yes, our RPO activities are covered by a full guarantee during the course of the project.

There is no possibility that a given RPO project will not be implemented. We at Devire remain in close contact with our Clients at every stage of its implementation. We discuss the project’s operation on an ongoing basis, which allows us to minimise potential threats and difficulties. We also take full responsibility for the implementation of the project.

Looking for a Recruitment Process Outsourcing support?

Contact our RPO experts today.
Want to get the right people on the bus? It’s high time to get in touch.