  • 10 Essential Tips on Finding the Right B2B Marketing Recruitment Agency in 2024
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    The Polish IT job market in the face of global changes. A conversation with Tomek Bujok, CEO of No Fluff Jobs.
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    The Polish IT Job Market in 2023. HR Challenges – IT Expectations – download and explore the latest Devire report
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    IT contracting – adapting to the needs of contractors
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    Employing foreign nationals. An interview with Agnieszka Zielińska – Director of the Polish HR Forum.
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    The labour market in Poland for 2022
    Devire announces strategic partnership agreement with LinkedIn.
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    Devire implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
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    The IP Box, a favourable tax rate for programmers based in Poland
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    Devire RPO Case Study: building a competency centre in Warsaw
    Salary Report Poland 2021
    Devire’s report: IT Industry in Cracow
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    Future-proof IT careers
    Devire is entering the Czech market
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    Devonshire is rebranding!